The City of Atlanta has 10 residential zoning districts ranging from R-1 to R-5. This chart highlights the R-1 zoning district alongside the setbacks and lot requirements. Below the chart is Frequently Asked Questions relating to R-1 Zoning in Atlanta. This information can be helpful when purchasing a home, considering a renovation to your home, the addition of a pool or secondary building to your property, or the construction of a new home. Please consult your Dorsey Alston agent with questions about the zoning of your property.
City of Atlanta Residential Zoning Guidelines
R-1 | R-2 | R-2A | R-2B | R-3 | R-3A | R-4 | R-4A | R-4B | R-5 | ||
FRONT | 60 ft. | 60 ft. | 60 ft. | 50 ft. | 50 ft. | 50 ft. | 35 ft. | 30 ft. | 20 ft. | 30 ft. |
SIDEa | 25 ft. | 15 ft. | 15 ft. | 10 ft. | 10 ft. | 10 ft. | 7 ft. | 7 ft. | 5 ft. | 7 ft. | |
REAR | 35 ft. | 30 ft. | 30 ft. | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | 15 ft. | 15 ft. | 15 ft. | 5 ft. | 7 ft. | |
2 acres | 1 acre | 30,000 sq.ft. | 28,000 sq.ft. | 18,000 sq.ft. | 13,500 sq.ft. | 9,000 sq.ft. | 7,500 sq.ft. | 2,800 sq.ft. | 7,500 sq.ft. |
200 ft. | 150 ft. | 100 ft. | 100 ft. | 100 ft. | 85 ft. | 70 ft. | 50 ft. | 40 ft. | 50 ft. | |
25% | 35% | 35% | 40% | 40% | 45% | 50% | 55% | 85% | 55% | |
0.25 | 0.30 | 0.35 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.45 | 0.50 | 0.50d | 0.75e | see section 16-07.010 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | see section 16-07.010 |
Setback: Distance from the property line to the nearest part of the applicable building, structure, or sign, measured perpendicularly to the property line.
Frontage: Length of the shortest property line that adjoins a public street. Also known as the width of the lot.
Floor area ratio (FAR): A number which, when multiplied by the gross square footage of a lot, results in the total amount of heated or air conditioned square footage or “livable area” which may be built on a lot, excluding finished or unfinished basement space, attic space, and accessory structures, including garages.
Lot coverage: Total area of the lot that is covered by the footprints of main and accessory structures including houses, guest houses, garages, and swimming pools, as well as all pervious or impervious driveways, turnarounds, walkways, patios, decks, tennis courts, and parking spaces.
FAQs About R1 Zoning in Atlanta
What is R1 zoning in Atlanta?
R1 zoning in Atlanta is designated for single-family residential homes. This zoning category emphasizes low-density, single-family dwellings, and often comes with specific regulations regarding lot size, building height, and spacing.
What are the minimum lot size requirements in R1 zones?
Typically, R1 zones require a minimum lot size to ensure adequate space and privacy for residents. For example, the minimum lot size might be set at 9,000 square feet, but this can vary depending on the specific area within Atlanta.
Are there restrictions on the height of buildings in R1 zones?
Yes, R1 zoning usually includes height restrictions to maintain the character of the neighborhood. The maximum building height might be limited to 35 feet, but this can vary.
Can I build accessory structures on my property in an R1 zone?
Accessory structures like garages or sheds are typically allowed in R1 zones, but they must adhere to specific setback requirements and may have limitations on their size and height.
What are the setback requirements in R1 zones?
Setback requirements dictate how far a structure must be from property lines. In R1 zones, front yard setbacks might be 25 feet, side yards 10 feet, and rear yards 20 feet, but these numbers can vary by specific zoning areas.
Is it possible to operate a business from a home in an R1 zone?
Home businesses may be allowed in R1 zones, but they are usually subject to restrictions to ensure they don’t disrupt the residential nature of the neighborhood. These might include limitations on signage, parking, and the type of business activities allowed.
Can I build a duplex or multi-family dwelling in an R1 zone?
R1 zoning is primarily for single-family homes. Duplexes or multi-family dwellings are generally not permitted in these zones.
Are there landscaping requirements in R1 zones?
Some R1 zones may have specific landscaping requirements or guidelines to maintain neighborhood aesthetics. These can include tree preservation mandates or rules about fence heights and materials.
How do I find out if my property is in an R1 zone?
You can check the zoning of your property by visiting the Atlanta city planning website or contacting the city’s planning department directly.
What should I do if I want to make changes to my property that don’t comply with R1 zoning?
For any changes that don’t comply with current R1 zoning regulations, you may need to apply for a variance or zoning amendment. This process typically involves a formal application and sometimes a hearing before the zoning board.

The specific requirements for R1 zoning in Atlanta, Georgia, can vary depending on the neighborhood and local regulations. However, here are some common requirements and regulations associated with R1 zoning in many areas:
Single-Family Use:
R1 zoning typically designates areas for single-family residential use only. This means that only one dwelling unit is allowed on each lot.
Minimum Lot Size:
There are often minimum lot size requirements for properties within R1 zones. These requirements aim to maintain the spacious and uniform character of single-family neighborhoods.
Setback Regulations:
R1 zoning usually includes setback regulations, specifying how far a structure must be set back from the property line. Setbacks are designed to preserve green spaces, provide privacy, and maintain a consistent streetscape.
Building Height Restrictions:
To maintain the aesthetics and character of residential neighborhoods, R1 zoning often imposes height restrictions on structures. These restrictions prevent excessively tall buildings that might overshadow neighboring properties.
Land Use Restrictions:
R1 zoning typically prohibits commercial and industrial activities. The focus is on maintaining a predominantly residential environment.
Accessory Structures:
Regulations regarding accessory structures, such as detached garages, sheds, or fences, may be outlined in R1 zoning codes. These rules ensure that such structures are in harmony with the surrounding properties.
Parking Requirements:
R1 zoning may specify parking requirements, including the number of parking spaces required for each dwelling unit.
Landscaping and Green Space:
Some R1 zoning codes may have landscaping requirements to promote greenery and aesthetics within the neighborhood.
Frontage and Lot Width:
There may be requirements related to the width of the lot and the frontage of properties within R1 zones.
Additional Information:
R-1 Single-Family Residential District Regulations
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